Tranisition Special Education

Special Education Tranisitons

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) every student is entitled to a free and appropriate public education. When a student is deemed eligible for Special Education Services through the evaluation process, the IEP Team is convened in order to develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for the student. This plan is designed to provide specially designed instruction and services in the least restrictive environment possible.

In addition, the student must require specially designed instruction and/or related services in order to make effective progress in school. If the student has a disability but does not qualify for special education services, he or she may be eligible for accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.   For more information, see: 504 Plan

The student’s IEP document is agreed upon by the student’s parents or guardian in collaboration with a team of educators from the student’s school district. The IEP is updated every year at the student’s annual IEP Review meeting. Every three years the student is reevaluated in order to determine if he or she continues to be eligible for special education services.

The IEP Document includes the following information:

Annual Educational Goals

Special Education Services

Accommodations and Curriculum Modifications

Supplementary Aids (including Assistive Technology)

Transition Planning Form (TPF) 


When a student with special education services turns 14, their IEP Team will begin the transition planning process.  Specific post-secondary goals will be developed in order to prepare the student for future training, education, employment, and daily living experiences.