Principal’s Weekly Update—Week of November 6

Principal’s Weekly Update—Week of November 6


It’s hard to believe that it is already November. We have had lovely fall weather (although we enjoy winter recess, too), and I included photos this week of some of our students enjoying recess. Our recesses are important parts of the day at school.

From Responsive Classroom:

Why Recess Matters

Recess improves attention. Children—especially those who struggle with hyperactivity—generally become more and more fidgety and inattentive when recess is skipped or delayed. Everyone learns less, and classrooms are harder to manage.
Recess boosts social skills. Much of what children do during recess develops social as well as physical skills. Watch children playing outdoors. They organize their own games, figure out rules, and decide who’s “it” or which team goes first.
Recess offers quality kid-watching time. Recess is a valuable time to observe children’s social behaviors: Who leads the games? Who hangs back? Which children help others?

Important Upcoming Dates

• Monday, November 6: Our 5th graders leave for their 4-day trip to Nature’s Classroom in Becket.
• Tuesday, November 7: No school for students (Teacher Work Day)
• Friday, November 10: No school for students (Veterans Day Observed)
• Friday, November 17: Photo Retakes
• Friday, November 17: 6:30 Movie Night!
• Wednesday, November 22: Early Dismissal (12:20) for the Thanksgiving break
• Thursday, November 30: School Spaghetti Supper at the Elks!
• Wednesday, December 6: Early Dismissal (12:20) Teacher Work Day
• Thursday, December 21: Winter Solstice & last day of school before the holiday vacation

I hope that all families feel welcome and comfortable at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Sarah Madden, Principal