Principal’s Update Week of Sept 11

Principal’s Update Week of Sept 11

We had a wonderful week at school last week. Many students are enjoying the addition of the outdoor classroom and the new basketball court on our playground. It is so nice to have basketball hoops that we can lower for younger children. The League Legends basketball clinic went very well on Sunday morning, and we had many participants from Ryan Road School.

We had our first fire drill on Thursday, and our students were fabulous. The fire fighters commented on the excellent, responsible exit of the building. We were all out in 2 minutes.

The photos this week show 5th grade readers, 4th grade scientists, 1st grade basketball players, and a kindergarten caterpillar observer. There is always a lot going on here at school!

Responsive Classroom Beginnings

At the beginning of the school year, classroom teachers (with the support of other adults working throughout the building) work hard to create strong and respectful classroom communities. Part of that process is thinking about “hopes and dreams” for the year ahead and creating classroom rules together. Some photos reflecting these values and practices are posted above (in addition to a picture of our garden morning glories, which are really beautiful every morning!).

Building trusting relationships with our students is at the forefront of our work in September, and we hope that our relationships with you grow, too. Please contact your child’s teacher or me if you have any questions or concerns. We want all of our families to be partners in our educational efforts.

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Wednesday, September 20: PTO Ice Cream Social, Information Night, and Magician Ed Pop! Come and enjoy the fun and learn about what our PTO does for our school. All are welcome!
  • Friday, September 22 Autumnal Equinox Celebration (we’ll need apple donations)
  • Tuesday, September 26: School Photo Day
  • Wednesday, October 4:

   Early Dismissal (12:20)

   Open House (6-7)

   Title 1 Annual Meeting (5:30-6:00)

   PTO Scholastic Book Fair (5:30-7:30)

I hope that all families feel welcome and comfortable at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Madden, Principal