Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of September 20, 2021

Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of September 20, 2021

Greetings Caregivers!

I hope you all enjoyed the lovely weekend!

We continue to have really wonderful days at Ryan Road School. It is such a pleasure to see all the learning and caring that goes on throughout the days here at school. Thank you for sharing your children with us.

Please remember, we have new school hours from 8:00-2:10. Adult supervision begins on the playground at 7:45. Free breakfast (bagged to go!) is available for all starting at 7:45.


This week’s photos show one of our kindergarten classes heading across the street to explore the forest. Other photos show students in the sand in our courtyard, on one of our outdoor logs, enjoying snack and read-aloud under one of our tents, showing me their third grade cheer, and some 4thgraders enhancing their engineering and technology skills. There are always wonderful things happening at Ryan Road School. ☺

Gardening Program

This week we will continue our school gardening program with SchoolSprouts and our garden educator, Hope Gaurdenier. All of our students will have time in the garden three times in the fall and four times in the spring. Wednesday is our gardening day this year.

COVID Updates

I hope that everyone received the call from our Superintendent, Dr. Provost, letting you know about COVID updates. You should have received these notices in your email, but if you missed any of them, here they are.



COVID Recovery Grants


Please remember to keep your child home if they are ill. Here is a link with some guidelines to help you make the decision: 

Email our wonderful nurse, Karen Schiaffo, if you have any questions.

After School Care

I know that after school care is still presenting a challenge for many families. I am really sorry about that. Families have told me that the YMCA program, which operates an after-school program here at Ryan Road, is full.

Liftoff Learning

Liftoff Learning continues this week Tuesday-Thursday. Here is the caregiver link if you need any reminders.


We will be holding YEP (Youth Enrichment Programs) on Mondays and Fridays until 4:00. YEP runs three 8-10-week sessions throughout the school year. YEP will begin the week of September 27. Call the school office if you have any questions. 

• And, here is some good news from our School Adjustment Counselor, Vickie Brown:

Dear Caregivers:

As part of our plan to facilitate social emotional support and growth, Ryan Road has had a therapy dog “attend” school once a week to listen to the children read.  All dogs have been trained through Bright Spot and are fully licensed and insured. Children will see the dog 3 at a time on a rotating basis by grade. This will occur outside in the gazebo. All children will have an opportunity to read to the dog.  If you would not like your child to participate in this program please let me know. I will be happy to address any questions and/or concerns.


Vickie Brown

School Adjustment Counselor

RK Finn Ryan Road School

413 587-1555

School Directory

There is one week left – please sign up by Friday (9/24) if you would like to be included in the 2021-2022 RK Finn Ryan Road Elementary School Directory.

The directory will be sent to those who sign up to be included, rather than the full community email list.

This will be a great resource for play dates and connection.

Please fill out the form once for each student in your family:

Thank you to our wonderful community!

Open Houses



Important Upcoming Dates

September 21: School Photos (information will go home soon)

September 22: Autumnal Equinox—Happy Fall!

September 22 at 6:30: Town Hall with Superintendent, John Provost

September 29 at 6:30: PTO Meeting

October 7 from 6:00-7:00 Virtual Open House (some classrooms will have these information sessions before this date, and classroom teachers will be in touch with you about Zoom links)

October 8: Early Dismissal (11:30) for Teacher Work Day

October 11: No School Indigenous Peoples’ Day

71ST League of Women Voters Book Sale – Saturday, Sept. 25 from 9-4 at Smith Vocational High School in Northampton – a wonderful assortment of quality books at bargain prices.

I hope that all families and caregivers feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I am happy to meet with any of you after school hours (when I can allow you inside!) or can talk on the phone anytime. 

I am really looking forward to the year ahead!


Sarah Madden, Principal