Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of June 15, 2020

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of June 15, 2020

Dear Families/Caregivers,

Today is the last official day of school. I am so sorry that our school year did not end with our usual fun traditions and rituals. I know that the school closure has been extremely difficult and stressful for families, and I cannot wait to be back to normal. I’ll be at school most of the summer if you want to check in with me. I will communicate via email and post on our website if there are any updates about our school’s reopening. What I can promise, is that no matter what school looks like in the fall, we will give your children loving support and work hard to meet their needs every day. We have to remind ourselves every day that this situation will not last forever.

Report cards and placement notes will be mailed to families/caregivers during this week!

Lost and Found

Last chance to claim lost clothes! Photos are attached. Call or email Mrs. Madden if you think any of these items belong to you! 

Message from Nurse Lisa

Here is a letter from Nurse Lisa.  She has served our school community for many years as our school nurse. I am glad she is not leaving our district, but we will miss her daily presence and wise care.


Summer Improv

Heidi Haas is offering Summer Improv! Spring sessions were a big hit! Here is more information:

District Community Needs Survey

District Leaders have put together a Community Needs Survey. We would appreciate your feedback and input. Thank you. Here is where you can access this survey.

Re-Opening Scenarios

Also, Dr. Provost has created a slide show of various possible scenarios for school re-opening. I know that the School Committee is thinking about all of the possibilities, and you should contact any of them if you have any input. Here is the link to that information.



This spring has been so difficult with the coronavirus and school closure, and our nation has recently had more pain as we wrestle with issues of equity and violence. I know that many families are feeling additional strain, frustration, anger, sadness, and confusion. It is always difficult to know how to explain what is going on to our children. I hope you and your loved ones are doing O.K. I am hopeful that things will shift toward more respect and equity. During this time of struggle, it is important for us to do all we can to become a better, more empathetic, and stronger community. Below are resources compiled by REAL (defined below) that you might find helpful and meaningful.

From REAL (Racial Equity and Learning) is a Northampton Education Foundation–funded project that brings together Northampton public school teachers, staff, students, and caregivers to fulfill the project’s mission: support and strengthen our school community by developing an intentionally anti-racist culture


EmbraceRace (local)

Colorlines / Race Forward

Truth School (local)

Western Mass SURJ (local)

Arise for Social Justice (local)

Black Youth Project 100

Healing Racism Institute of Pioneer Valley (local)

Undoing Racism (local)

Pioneer Valley Workers Center (local)

National Association for Multicultural Education


High Five Books (local; site includes age-specific links to books about race)

Having the Race Talk with My 4- and 21-Year-Old Sons

How to Talk to Your Mixed Race Kids About Race

100 Race-Conscious Things You Can Say to Your Child to Advance Racial Justice

This Book Is Anti-Racist (local author)

Me and White Supremacy

Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America

White Kids: Growing Up with Privilege in a Racially Divided America


The Wellness of We series of videos

White Like Me documentary 

Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in School documentary

Raising Free People podcast series 

All My Relations podcast series

Seeing White podcast series

How to Not (Accidentally) Raise a Racist podcast episode


Resources for Parents and Caregivers About Race and Racism

Anti-Racism Resources for All Ages

KidLit Rally 4 Black Lives: Anti-Racist Resources for Children, Families, and Educators

There Is No Apolitical Classroom: Resources for Teaching in These Times

Garden Update

The Garden Committee is planning some family work days in July and August, and we hope to get some interest, involvement and workers. We are lucky to have our little garden, and it takes a community to keep it going. 


From Food Service Director, Mistelle Hannah: 

Attached are the links to the free/reduced application for the 2019-2020 school year. This application is good for the first 30 days of the upcoming school year. A new application will be required after that time.  The new applications are typically released in early July and made available to families at the beginning of the school year. Since we anticipate some families have had a change of circumstances since this has begun it benefits them to get the application in for this school year. One less thing to worry about.

Friday Fun Videos!

I loved all the photos of your field day or physical fun last week! Here’s that great video in case you missed it on Friday! You can find all of the Friday Fun on our website. Thanks to all who participated in our Friday Fun Videos—they were really fabulous and brought many smiles when we surely needed them.

Summer Online Resources

Please remember that all of the online resources that teachers have created during this closure will be available to students over the summer, although it won’t be updated, there are some wonderful resources.  I hope your children will take advantage of some of these resources over the summer. And, of course, I’ll continue to communicate with you regarding any re-opening school plans.

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need anything. I am often in the building, and can talk through the window or over the phone.


Sarah Madden, Principal