Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of May 18, 2020

Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of May 18, 2020

Dear Families/Caregivers,

A lot of this important information is repeated from last week. I don’t want anyone to miss it. There is, however, a new read-aloud.

And, just in case you did not receive the update from Superintendent, John Provost, here is the link for that:

Support for Families

This is a great resource for families, on our district website.

End of Year Plans

•  We are making plans for teachers to come in and pack up student belongings and work from the year. I’ve included a schedule for grade level student and family pick- ups in the parking lot. On the day/time listed, you can drive through the parking lot, and your child’s masked and gloved teachers will give your child a cheery hello (and good-bye) and give you the bag of belongings.  Let me know if you have questions or concerns about this. This is certainly not ideal, but it will bring some closure. A flyer is also attached.

KindergartenGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5
June 19-3:30June 29-3:30June 39-3:30June 49-3:30June 59-3:30June 159-3:30

Read Aloud

• I am continuing to share a read aloud in my Weekly Update that you can share with your children if you think they would like it. This week’s book is Dog Breath read by dog, Ralph, again! I have received many requests for Penelope Pumpernickel to return…I’ll have to think about that. 

Talent Show News:

Lauren Fleit, mother of Ella Dunphy, and incredible organizer of our Talent Show (and Halloween parties!) had a great idea to host a virtual Talent Show this year! Yea, Lauren. That information is here.


Friday Fun Challenge Videos!

We post the photos from the Friday Fun Challenge on the following Friday when we announce the birthdays and the next Fun Friday Challenge. Any photos for this project should be sent to your child’s teacher any time before the next Wednesday at 9:00. This week: send a photo of your silliest face!

I loved all the photos of you and your animals last week! Keep the fun coming! Here’s that video in case you missed it on Friday! You can find all of them on our website

Walking Wednesdays

And…MORE FUN…Ms. Minton has included a fun walking idea for the month of May. Check it out! 


Placement Plans for Next Year

It is hard to believe that I am starting to think about the 2020-2021 school year, but I wanted to let you know that we will conduct the process of class placement similarly to the way we did the last several years, except that teachers and I will do it via Zoom. Class placement decisions will be made by the end of this school year, and your child’s teacher for next year will be communicated to you with his/her end of year report card. We will very much miss our tradition of meeting with the next year’s class on our last day of school.  

I will be working carefully with teachers to create class groupings that work well together and build positive, productive learning communities. Families cannot select teachers, and I know that we will all work well together to ensure a good year ahead for all of our students. All of the teachers at our school are committed to developing positive relationships and nurturing academic success. However, if you feel that you have necessary information to share with me before this process begins, please do not hesitate to contact me by Friday, May 22. 


• The photos this week show two masked bikers (Clayton and Lily!) who stopped by to say hello. Also, our Garden Committee met last week and two members (Mrs. Lyons and Stacia Potter) are planting a new plumb tree by the gazebo. The last photo shows a wonderful and yummy treat I received last week (made with rhubarb from the school garden!).

• Grow Food Northampton has sent their latest installment of Grow Food Kids activities at home. Grow Food Kids volume 3!

• Distance Learning Plans continue to get updated as the school closure gets extended.  I hope the communication from teachers has been helpful. Everyone is trying to figure out this new way of teaching and learning, and nobody thinks it is perfect, but our teachers have been working hard to engage students and keep them learning, thinking, and creating. These are challenging times, indeed, and I am so sorry for the huge stress this situation is bringing to families.

• Remote Learning will continue until the “last day of school” on June 15. However, all of the online resources that teachers have created during this closure will be available to students over the summer. I hope your children will take advantage of these resources over the summer. And, of course, I’ll continue to communicate with you regarding any re-opening school plans.

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need anything. I am often in the building, and can talk through the window or over the phone.


Sarah Madden, Principal