Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of June 8, 2021

Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of June 8, 2021

Dear Caregivers,

First a pandemic, and now a heat wave! We can tackle this, too! We will have misters outside at recess (and maybe the sprinkler, too). During this awful heat, you might want to always send an extra set of clothes and mask with your children. 

R.K. Finn Ryan Road Students Have Talent!!

What a wonderful virtual talent show we had on Friday night! I could not believe all the different types of talent our students possess! And, a HUGE thank you to parent, Lauren Fleit, for organizing this event! Next year, we hope to be on stage in person!

NPS Face Covering Policy

I sent this last week, but in case you missed it…

Although Governor Bakers shared new guidance stating students no longer have to wear masks when outdoors, even if distance cannot be maintained effective as of May 18th, the district’s Face Covering Policy will remain in place. All students, staff, and caregivers must wear masks on school property, in the school building, and on buses. We will keep you posted if anything changes within the school district.


• This week’s photos show lots of fun at the water activities as part of PE classes on Wednesday! Thank you to Ms. Minton for organizing such a fun day! Also, there are photos of a 4th grade coding project in our Technology Lab and a wonderful bird in a nest that was created by a first grader in art class. 

Nature’s Classroom 

• I wanted to inform you that the district elementary schools have made the difficult decision to not attend Nature’s Classroom (as we have known and loved it) moving forward. For those of you who have been part of our community for many years, it has been a wonderful opportunity for our 5th graders to learn out in the wild up in Becket for 4 days and 3 nights. However, it has been getting hard to ensure that the trip is accessible to all students because of the overnight aspect, and we really have to make sure that all of our learning opportunities are inclusive for all. It was also getting difficult for teachers to commit to that much time away from their families. 

So, looking ahead, we are working on plans for a 5th Grade Nature Week full of daily adventure, exploring science and nature in our region, and participating in team-building activities. They will have the opportunity to explore various places in the area. I understand that this will cause some great disappointment, especially for our 4th grade students and caregivers. Please let me know if you have any questions.

MCAS Remaining Date (plus we will have to complete a few make-ups)

Fifth Grade (both classes)

Thursday, June 10—Science

From our Nurse, Karen Schiaffo:

The COVID-19 protocol is as follows:  

In order to minimize risk and keep the school community safe, district nurses are required 

to send students home that have 1 symptom.  Symptoms include: headache, stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, chills, fatigue, body aches, cough, congestion, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea, or fever since these mimic COVID-like illness. Caregivers will be asked to contact their health care provider to see if testing is needed. There may be other diagnoses that cause these symptoms and your provider can discuss that with you.  In order for your student to return to school, you will need to provide a negative test result or a note from your provider documenting an alternative diagnosis as the cause for the symptoms. 

Many students experience seasonal allergies at this time of year and allergy symptoms can mimic COVID-like symptoms. Please consult your child’s health care provider about treating your child’s seasonal allergy to avoid your child being sent home for symptoms that appear Covid-like. 

Remember to review the Student Daily Checklist before sending your child to school. 

Thank you for your cooperation.  

• Vaccination Information Here!


2021-2022 School Year

• The 2021-2022 school calendar has been approved by the school committee. Here it is. Please note the change in school hours (in the lower left-hand corner) that were recently approved by the School Committee to allow for a later start for high school students. 

Next year, our school hours will be 8:00-2:10.

Important Upcoming Dates:

• Tuesday, June 15: Chromebook Collection here at R.K. Finn RR! Please have your child bring their school-issued Chromebooks to school

• Wednesday, June 16 at 1:30: Outdoor 5th Grade Celebration (Rain Date Thursday, June 17).

Wednesday, June 16 at 6:30: Last PTO Meeting for this year!

Friday, June 18: Last day of School! 12:20 Dismissal

Report Cards and class placement for 2021-2022 go home with students. Students will have a short visit with their new class and teacher this morning.

Stay up to date with all of our school activities on our School Website’s Calendar!

I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Madden, Principal