Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of April 11, 2022

Principal Madden’s Weekly Message—Week of April 11, 2022

Spring Vacation is next week. School will be closed April 18-22.


This week’s photos show some of the new seating in our library. We were able to buy these new chairs with money from the read-a-thon—thank you to our readers and our donors! Other photos show some of our learning buddies working on an art project together. Also, with some spring weather, we were able to play in the courtyard again, have some outdoor dining (and sunning), and enjoy bubbles at recess. Our days at school bring a lot of fun.

COVID Updates

I hope you saw the COVID communication from Dr. Provost on Friday. Our pools were all negative. Yea!

I just wanted to make sure that everyone understands the process for positive COVID cases at this point. We find out about positive cases through Thursday testing, parent notification, or school testing (if a student has symptoms and permission to test). If there is a positive case, everyone in that class has to mask (inside) for 5 days after exposure. Caregivers and staff associated with that class get notified. 

I am attaching the whole notice (from 3/25) again, as an FYI, as I know it is hard to keep it all straight. Let Nurse Karen or me know if you have any questions. Thank you!


If you haven’t had a chance to complete the survey regarding equity, we would love to get your feedback. Thank you for taking the time to fill out surveys! I am always hopeful to get as many Ryan Road voices as we can!

Caregiver Survey:








MCAS Testing 2022 Dates for Ryan Road School

Grade 3 (ELA) – April 6 & April 13

Grade 4 (ELA) – April 5 & April 12 

Grade 5 (ELA) – April 7 & April 14 

Grade 3 (Math) – May 4 & May 13

Grade 4 (Math) – May 3 & May 10 

Grade 5 (Math) – May 5 & May 12 

Grade 5 (Science) – May 17 and May 19 

Important Upcoming Dates

April 12: School Council at 5:30

April 13: Last Liftoff Learning for Grades 4 and 5

April 13: PTO Meeting at 6:30

April 18-22: Spring Vacation

May 11: Early Dismissal (11:30) Teacher Work Day

May 30: No School—Memorial Day

June 8: Early Dismissal (11:30) Teacher Work Day

June 10: Field Day! Yea! Contact Ms. Minton if you want to help.

June 20: No School–Juneteenth

June 24: 5th Grade Celebration 12:30

June 27: Last day of School (11:30 dismissal)

Stay up to date with all of our school calendar on our School Website’s Calendar!

I hope that all families and caregivers feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I am happy to meet with any of you or we can talk on the phone anytime. 


Sarah Madden, Principal