Principal Madden’s Caregiver Communication – May 25, 2022

Dear Caregivers, 

The most recent tragic events which occurred at the Robb Elementary School in Texas have shocked and saddened all of us. We grieve with the families and hold our own families closer as a result.  

Teachers will discuss these events in class if student bring up this horror. These types of events occurring in schools often create fear and anxiety in children.  If discussed, we will have developmentally appropriate discussions within our classrooms that address feelings of fear and confusion for children.  We will let them know that keeping our school a safe place is our number one priority, and review our safety procedures and community-building practices with them.  Our school adjustment counselor and I will be available to children who need further assistance. 

It is a challenge for us all to find the words and actions that will comfort and reassure our children in the midst of such tragic violence.  I have attached some information from the National Association of School Psychologists to assist you with this important work. 


We know that these events create fear and anxiety for parents and caregivers as well. Our district and school have emergency procedures and trained and experienced emergency teams. Our Ryan Road School staff works daily to create a safe and caring community. Procedures we have in place include single entry access and sign-in for visitors, exterior cameras, evacuation and lock down procedures, and a vigilant and well-trained staff. 

Our Responsive Classroom routines of classroom meetings, community building, and focus on relationships and restorative practices all serve to strengthen our community and keep it safe. We work hard to help student discuss hurt feelings, develop strategies for de-escalation, and find ways to feel better. We also try organizing traditions that make students feel happy. We will be having our Talent Show (first live performance since COVID) on Thursday. 

Keeping our school community safe is a shared responsibility.  If you hear of threats or any information that indicates our school or any of its members may be at risk please contact us immediately. It takes all of us to keep our community a safe place for all. 

It is very unfortunate that you have school violence anxieties on top of COVID worries. I understand that it is a lot to handle, and I applaud all of your hard work and love. Thank you for your continued communication.

We take the responsibility of keeping our children safe very seriously.  Please contact me with questions and concerns or if you need further information. 

I hope you received communication from John Provost last evening. It is attached here, in case you missed it.



Sarah Madden, Principal