Jackson Street School Newsletter 9.7.2018

Jackson Street School Newsletter 9.7.2018

Click here for Gwen’s full letter.


Principal Agna sits on the floor with Jackson the dog as two 3rd grade students pet Jackson.
Principal Agna with Jackson the dog and two 3rd grade students.

It’s been a wonderful week of classroom visits as well as small group and individual times too. We are working out a schedule for his “work” at JSS – it is a work in progress but we know that he has and will continue to have a very positive impact on our school!

Questions that have been asked/answered:
• How old is he? He’s 8 months old
• What kind of dog is he? A labradoodle
• Where does he sleep? He sleeps in a dog crate at home and he also takes a nap every day at noon in my office for an hour or an hour and a half.
• Why doesn’t he shed? Because he has hair, not fur. Hopefully, this means he will not make people sneeze or allergic but if anyone feels anything, they should tell us.
• Is Jackson only for people who have stress? Jackson is for everyone!
• Is he a magic dog? That was a hard one to answer – because after this week of the effects he’s had on everyone, I’m beginning to think that he is! ❤

HAPPY Rosh Hashanah/Jewish New Year to everyone who will be celebrating!
We all are looking forward to cooler weather!

With great respect and affection,
Gwen Agna


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