Hope Guardenier
Fresh Kids: Food Systems Education Program
Hope educates at our Elementary Schools in the school gardens and in the classroom to teach about Food Systems and Cooking. Hope come to us from School Sprouts and is an important part of our Freshampton Team!
Molly Aronson
Land Based and Food History Learning: Elementary Schools
Food Justice and Culture Learning: JFK Middle School
Molly educates the Elementary School Students on our Garden tours, and our JFK Middle School Students through the after school programing. Molly comes to us from Grow Foods Northamtpon, and is an important part of our Freshampton Team!
Contact the NHS Cafeteria
(413) 587-1344 ext. 3018
380 Elm Street, Northampton, MA 01060
Contact the JFK Cafeteria
(413) 587-1489 ext. 7230
100 Bridge Road, Florence, MA 01062
Contact the Bridge Street Cafeteria
(413) 587-1460 ext. 1464
2 Parsons Street, Northampton, MA 01060
Contact the Jackson Street Cafeteria
(413) 587-1510 ext.1514
120 Jackson Street, Northampton, MA 01060
Contact the Leeds Cafeteria
(413) 587-1530 ext. 1536
20 Florence Street, Leeds, MA 01053
Contact the RK Finn Ryan Road Cafeteria
(413) 587-1550 ext. 1565
498 Ryan Road, Florence, MA 01062
The Freshampton Team is always learning!
The Freshampton Team have enjoyed on longstanding parternership with Project Bread, an organization whose mission is to connect people and communities in Massachusetts to reliable sources of food while advocating for policies that make food more accessible—so that no one goes hungry.
One of the wonderful benefits of our partnership has been hands on culinary training provided to our staff. Over the years our staff have had the honor and pleasure of working and learning from the amazing people at Project Bread.
To learn more about Project Bread check out their website: Project Bread Website