School Committee Home
The Northampton School Committee meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month in the Mark E. Warner Community Room at JFK Middle School, 100 Bridge Road, Florence, or by videoconference. Subcommittees meet at other times as needed. The full meeting schedule can be found under the School Committee Calendar section of this website. Agendas and Zoom links for meetings can be found on the BoardDocs website.
During the budget season (February & March), there are typically two meetings per month (second and fourth Thursdays). Agendas are prepared by the Superintendent, Chair (the Mayor), and Vice Chair and are published on the Friday preceding the meeting on the BoardDocs website. On occasion, the Committee may call a special meeting to conduct business which cannot be delayed until the next meeting. It is the intent of the Committee to complete all business by 11:00 p.m.
The Committee may go into Executive Session (closed doors) upon a majority vote of the members present for consideration of certain matters specified by the Open Meeting Law examples of which include personnel issues, negotiations for contract and collective bargaining, legal advice, and litigation.
The acceptance of a code of ethics implies the understanding of the basic organization of school committees under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. As an elected public official, a school committee member is expected to adhere to those state laws that apply to school committees since school committees are agencies of the state.
This code of ethics outlines three areas of a school committee’s member’s responsibility: (1) community responsibility; (2) responsibility to school administration; (3) relationship to fellow committee members.
1. A school committee member in his/her relations with the community should:
2. A school committee member in his/her relations with the school administration should:
3. A school committee member in his/her relations with fellow committee members should:
The typical order of business is as follows: Roll Call; Public Comment; Announcements; Recommended Actions including approval of minutes; Reports and Recommendations, including reports from subcommittees, the Superintendent, and Business Manager; New Business; and Adjournment.
Read the full School Committee Policy on Public Comment here
Mayor Gina-Louise Sciarra
Northampton City Hall
210 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060
(413) 587-1249
Anat Weisenfreund
Ward 2
65 Kensington Avenue
Northampton MA 01060
(917) 838-9311
Emily Serafy-Cox
Ward 3
21 Orchard Street
Northampton, MA 01060
(413) 341-0576
Email Emily Serafy-Cox