NPS Superintendent Monthly
February 2025
“In February, nature reminds us that even in the coldest moments, beauty can still flourish.”
Gabriela Aleman
"Let from this month onwards your days become more happier, fulfilling, purposeful, satisfying & joyful."
Rajesh Goyal
Happy February!
It has truly been an active few weeks with changes at the federal level, local politics, and the funding of our schools. To keep you in the know, I have a few updates to share:
Executive orders and trends:
Over the past four weeks, there have been a significant number of executive orders that have unnerved school leaders. It is important that we reserve a sense of calm and provide clear, fact-based information as it becomes available. In most cases this will result in waiting for further clarification or official guidance. I have turned to the Attorney General’s Office, DESE, the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents, and district counsel for direction and guidance. Many of the executive orders are in conflict with Massachusetts law and local policy. There is little clarity as to how these executive orders may affect our funding.
Currently, some community members voiced the need for additional funding for schools. Their concern has resulted in the School Committee requesting a mid-year appropriation of $600,000. However, the district must focus on next year’s school budget and the possibility of losing federal funding if we are out of compliance with executive orders. The federal funding we receive through the Department of Education are the ESSA/entitlement grants such as Title I, II, III, IV and IDEA, which were created by Congress and are controlled by Congress for now. NPS currently receives $1,397,894 in federal funds through these grant programs. A majority of this funding targets low-income students, students of color, English language learners and children with disabilities. In total, we receive $1,750,446 in federal support.
Medicaid and Special Education:
Another concern is the Medicaid reimbursement that is funded through the federal government that we receive for certain medically necessary services provided to students in a school setting. This funding source is used to replenish the Special Education Stabilization fund that was recently established. Loss of these funds would impact our special education programs.
Antibias and Antiracism:
During the vacation week, like so many other districts, I received a “Dear Colleague” letter from the Office of Civil Rights addressed to all K-12 schools, colleges, and universities nationwide. This letter outlines how the President’s administration intends to enforce federal nondiscrimination laws in educational settings based upon a very broad application of the Supreme Court case law on race conscious admissions. Failure to comply within 14 days will result in loss of funding. This letter is informational and spells out the federal government intent but does not change the law. Civil Rights Law such as Title IX, Title VI, Title VII, and the ADA have not been repealed and are still enforceable. In addition, we are also governed by state law which provides robust protections.
Immigration Enforcement in Schools:
The probability of ICE agents entering our schools is low but safeguard protocols are in place to help manage the situation if an enforcement event occurs. NPS schools are still considered to be the safest place for students to be.
Gender Recognition, Transgender and Title IX Rollback:
As many of you are aware, we have reverted to the 2020 version of Title IX. Massachusetts and Federal laws are in conflict over the rights of transgender individuals and in the recognition of two biological sexes at birth.
Federal Department of Education:
Prospects of dismantling the Federal Department of Education would have limited effects on what is taught in schools. NPS curriculum is guided by state and national standards and decided at the local level. Currently, the DOE oversees the federal streams of grants, federal student loans, and financial aid for higher education. The DOE also collects data on student achievement, statistics, and enforces anti-discrimination laws. It is the current administration’s plan to move education under the control of individual states.
These changes may not directly or immediately affect you, but there are many who are fearful about tomorrow. It is important more than ever to support one another with compassion, respect, and understanding; strength lies in our commitment to lifting each other up. We will continue to protect our students and maintain a safe and supportive environment for them. As things unfold, I will continue to update the school community.
Strategic Planning, Navigating the Change:
We are establishing two new work groups this month. The first group will focus on discussing consolidation and changing enrollment. The second group will focus on master facilities plan and net zero carbonization. These two work groups will meet virtually.
Work groups are meant to be small to allow collaboration on design, development, output and or recommendation towards a specific objective. We seek parent and staff representatives from each of the schools.
1) Grade level of your child or staff position
2) School which your child attends or staff works
3) Reason of interest
4) Dates and times of availability.
Strategic Plan Working Groups for Literacy and Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Northampton Public Schools has created working groups to support the implementation of the district's strategic plan. If you are interested in joining any of the following working groups, please send an email expressing your interest to Kate Messmer, the district's Director of Curriculum and Instruction. All of the meetings will take place virtually on Google Meet.
The Secondary Literacy Working Group will meet on the second Tuesday of the month between 8:30 AM and 10 AM. This group's spring meeting dates are March 11, April 8, May 13, and June 10.
The Elementary Literacy Working Group will meet on the second Tuesday of the month between 1 PM and 2 PM. This group's spring meeting dates are March 11, April 8, May 13, and June 10.
The Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Working Group will meet on the second Friday of the month from 1:15 PM to 2:15 PM. This group's spring meeting dates are March 14, April 11, May 9, and June 13.
District's Reading Challenge (Grades K-8)
The Fall Challenge is complete. The number of books students have read at the end of January is 9,954. We are close to our goal and should surpass it by June.
Ryan Road - 325 books
Leeds - 884 books
Jackson Street - 384 books
Bridge Street - 989 books
JFK - 7,372 books
The recipients of the Fall challenge:
- District - Justin Carangelo, Grade 6, JFK
- PreK-2 - Natalie Davies, Grade 2, Leeds
- Grade 3-5 - Ray Baldi, Grade 4, Leeds
- Middle School - Leda Crepeau, Grade 6, JFK
- Ice Cream Social - JFK
- PreK-2 Pizza Party - Ms. Carlton and Ms. Walmsley Grade 2 Classes at JSS
- Grade 3-5 Pizza Party - Ms. Kristik Grade 4 Class at Leeds
- Middle School Pizza Party - Mr. Carter's 7th Period Class
Spring Literacy Challenge for Grades K-8
Encourage your child to join in the reading challenge! The District’s goal is to read 10,000 books by June 1, 2025. We can do it! This challenge is in partnership with Forbes Library to encourage Northampton children to read. The purpose is to build:
- A community of readers
- Students’ fluency
- Students’ vocabulary
- Students’ background knowledge
- Students’ comprehension
- Students’ skills in understanding complex text
- A love for reading
Students will be asked to keep a log of the books they are reading and drop them off in the school library. All class read-alouds also count! Students, classes and schools can participate. To be included in the chance for prizes, a log must be submitted.
Prizes for the spring semester (February 1, to May 31, 2025) are as follows:
- All students participating in the challenge receive a certificate of participation.
- Student who reads the most in the district -- $50 gift card for Broadside Bookshop
- Student who reads the most at the Primary Level (PreK-2) - $10 gift card
- Student who reads the most at the Intermediate Level (3-5) - $10 gift card
- Student who reads the most at the Middle School Level - $15 gift card
- School that reads the most -- Bragging rights for the 2025-26 school year
- Class that reads the most at the Primary Level (PreK-2) -- Teacher will receive a gift card to purchase something for their room
- Class that reads the most at the Intermediate Level (3-5) -- Teacher will receive a gift card to purchase something for their room
- Class that reads the most at the Middle School Level -- Teacher will receive a gift card to purchase something for their room
Did you know that reading aloud stimulates different areas of the brain? Reading out loud helps to create a more meaningful experience with the words on the page, improves retention and creates distinctive memories. It’s multisensory! Add reading to your family time and encourage your child(ren) to read aloud to you. Take the challenge!
Keep Reading! We hope that more students will join the challenge.
Peace, Unity and Joy
Dr. Portia S. Bonner
Inclement Weather Reminder
School delays, cancellations, and unscheduled early releases will be communicated via text and email through ParentSquare, channels 22 and 40 and the district's website ( www.northamptonschools.org)
Steps in determining a delay or snow day are listed below:
- Day before inclement weather – DPW, Transportation Supervisor and Superintendent put on their meteorologist hats and review weather reports to see if the decision can be made the day before. If no clear cut decision is made, go to step 2. (After last year’s complaints of a cancellation when the weather forecast changed in the morning, I no longer do pre-day announcements).
- Beginning at 4:00AM the day of inclement weather-DPW, Transportation Supervisor and Superintendent have a conference call to discuss the current weather. At that time, a decision is made based upon safety, road conditions, and timing of the poor weather conditions.
- Notification of the decision is sent out to families via ParentSquare and posted on the weather channels 22 and 40 by 5:30 AM. Notifications will also be posted on the district’s website (www.northamptonschools.org)
- Superintendents from surrounding towns reach out to confer with one another during inclement weather events.
Important times to remember:
Delays are usually for two (2) hours, schools will begin at the following times:
- Elementary Arrival at 10:00AM
- Middle School Arrival at 10:30AM
- High School Arrival at 11:00AM
Early Dismissal times:
- Elementary Dismissal at 11:30AM
- Middle School Dismissal at 12:25PM
- High School Dismissal at 12:50PM
For those cold days, please make sure your child is bundled up and dressed appropriately with gloves, hats, coats, scarves and appropriate footwear.
March 13 - Work Day
March 31 - Work Day
Schools dismiss according to the following schedule:
- Elementary 8:00-11:30AM
- Middle School 8:30AM-12:25PM
- High School 9:00AM-12:50PM
View the Freshampton website for menus and additional information about the Nutrition Department.
Visual Arts Teacher Louise Martindell announces that 7 NHS students have received a regional award in the 2024-2025 Massachusetts Scholastic Art Awards program!
Since 1923, the Awards have recognized some of America's most celebrated artists and writers while they were teenagers, including Tschabalala Self, Stephen King, Kay WalkingStick, Amanda Gorman, Charles White, Joyce Carol Oates, and Andy Warhol. The annual Scholastic Art and Writing Awards are the nation’s longest-running, most prestigious recognition initiative for creative students (grades 7-12). The program recognizes exceptional creative talent in visual arts and writing among teenagers across the United States, offering students the opportunity to earn recognition, exhibition, publication, and scholarships for their work. Learn more HERE.
NHS is proud to count the following students among these esteemed Scholastic Awards alumni! If you see them around school this week, please congratulate them! This is a big achievement for them!
The student artists alongside a sampling of their selected work is below. We are aiming to get all the recognized work posted on our department instagram if you want to see more (@nhsvisualartsdept).
Frankie Adams-Sternal '25
A World Undisturbed (Drawing + Illustration)(Honorable Mention)
Cafe Simulator: Barista Level Two (Comic Art)(Honorable Mention)
Something Remains (Comic Art)(Honorable Mention)
Luna Burnell-Wojtech '26
Tree House (Photography) (Honorable Mention)
Camilla Hatch '27
A Day Out (Printmaking) (Gold Key)
Selkie Crossing (Comic Art) (Silver Key)
I Love My Body But... (Comic Art) (Honorable Mention)
Jamie Hougen '25
Blood Under the Earth (Portfolio of work)(Honorable Mention)
Stella Schmale '25
6 Parvis Notre-Dame (Mixed-Media) (Silver Key)
Blimp (Painting) (Silver Key)
Cucciolo (Sculpture) (Silver Key)
Nursery (Painting) (Gold Key)
Klara Sokop '25
Olive Mug (Ceramics/Glass) (Silver Key)
Griffin Wozniak '26
Me (Drawing and Illustration) (Honorable Mention)
Preschool Lottery for the coming school year will take place the first week of March.
Please spread the word that all applications received by March 1 will be included in the first round lottery for full and part school day slots.
Pictured below is Laura Frogameni, NPS' Preschool & Partnership Coordinator tabling for our public preschools at a recent preschool & resource fair.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the citywide Kindergarten registration event on February 1st!
NHS Key Club members volunteered to play with our rising kindergarten children while their caregivers completed the registration forms. NHS Jazz musicians and the Northamptones provided outstanding musical performances, too.
Pictured below is Ashley Miller, NPS Early Childhood Family Engagement Specialist together with Pam Smith, NPS Early Childhood Program Assistant led the coordination of the Kindergarten event.
Please read Februarys’ Engagement and English Learner Education update.
Missed updates ? That’s ok ! Linked below
Interested in learning more about family engagement and ELE learning opportunities?
Please reach out to:
Lauren-Lee Barry
Family-Student Engagement
& English Learner Education Coordinator
Northampton Public Schools
Phone: 413.587.1481
Early Childhood Workshops
We are grateful to the Pyramid Model Consortium for generously funding a Pyramid Model series for our community. This one will be geared to participants with some proficiency in Spanish and English. Deepen your language skills while learning about the impact of implementing the Pyramid Model's Big 5 foundational practices!
Are you looking for a family outing that is free, fun and supportive for both the children and adults in your family? This one's for you!! Pizza, childcare and adult conversation for families with children ages 0-8/9 years of age is held monthly at the NPS Early Childhood Center at Jackson Street School.
Cultural experiences for you and your children is what you are seeking? Wahoo - this one's for you! Guided play and gallery tours meet the needs of young children and the adults in the family. Sign up for the Caregiver Cafes, Play Dates at Smith College and so much more at:
Northampton Preschool Partnership Educators gather on a regular basis throughout the academic year for professional development. In February, a panelist of adult English Language Learners shared their experiences and reflected on the linguistic and cultural joys and challenges they have faced.
SAVE THE DATE! VINS annual dog show is Saturday, March 1.
For over forty years, hundreds of Northampton community members have been volunteering their time supporting education in city public schools through Volunteers in Northampton Schools (VINS). These volunteers are active in each of the schools helping out in many different ways. They read and play math games with elementary students, join classes for field trips or weekly outdoor nature studies, decorate hallways with student art, and visit classes to share a particular interest, expertise, or cultural background.
The program is managed by Coordinator, Andres Cucalon, who recruits, interviews, and places volunteers to match requests from teachers and school staff.
You are invited to join this effort in any of the following ways:
Become a VINS Volunteer or encourage a friend, neighbor or family member. Contact Andres Cucalon to fill out a form indicating your own interests and availability. Some volunteers contribute weekly or even daily while others come in once a year.
If you expect to join a class for a field trip, classroom activity, or field day, plan ahead by completing the state required CORI check. You can obtain a form from the VINS Coordinator or through your school office. The CORI is in effect for three years, and each school office maintains a list of eligible volunteers.
Support VINS through a donation. VINS is a non-profit organization separate from the school district with a modest yearly budget that covers coordination. Donations of any amount are welcome with a check to
Volunteers in Northampton Schools, Inc.
c/o RK Finn Ryan Road School
498 Ryan Road, Florence, MA 01062
Volunteer to join the VINS Board of Directors.
The Board meets once a month to advise and plan fund-raising like the ever-popular fun, free and not entirely serious Dog Show the first Saturday in March. Your ideas are always welcome.
Contact VINS at vinsvolunteer@gmail.com
Smith College Museum of Art
How Smith College Museum of Art is faring after more than a year with no entrance fees | WAMC
Northampton Public Schools is currently hiring for the following positions:
- Paraprofessionals
- Substitutes